Asigra Disaster Recovery (DR) Solution

Asigra Disaster Recovery (DR) Solution: Defend, Recover, Empower 


In a world dominated by digital information, the significance of safeguarding data against potential disasters cannot be overstated. Addressing this very need, Asigra unfurls its state-of-the-art Disaster Recovery solution that not only ensures data protection but also empowers businesses to gain control over their invaluable data assets. 

Key Features 

Agentless Architecture: Unlike many traditional disaster recovery solutions that necessitate installing agents on every machine, Asigra boasts of an agentless design. This not only simplifies the deployment but also minimizes the system overhead, ensuring streamlined backups without adding complexity. 

NIST-compliant Security: Security is the linchpin in any Disaster Recovery solution. Asigra’s NIST-compliance ensures that all your backups adhere to the top-tier security standards. Your data remains encrypted, protected, and safe from potential threats. 

GDPR-ready: As the digital landscape evolves, compliance with global data protection regulations is indispensable. Asigra’s Disaster Recovery solution is primed for GDPR, making certain that your business’s data handling and storage practices meet the stringent European Union regulations. 

Business Benefits 

  • Enhance Compliance: Stay ahead in the compliance game. With Asigra, you're assured of adherence to various global standards, giving your stakeholders peace of mind. 
  • Data Sovereignty: Maintain complete control over where and how your data is stored. Ensure it remains within geographical or jurisdictional boundaries, as per your business needs. 
  • Resource Efficiency: An agentless design means fewer system resources are consumed, ensuring efficient backups and streamlined operations. 


The very essence of Asigra’s Disaster Recovery solution lies in its commitment to defend data against potential threats, recover from any unforeseen disruptions, and empower businesses to hold the reins of their data destiny. As the digital era pushes businesses towards unprecedented challenges, Asigra stands as a beacon of resilience, offering an unmatched blend of security, compliance, and efficiency. 

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